Author CJ Dunham

Author & Presenter

The Writing Realm

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“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions,”

Albert Einstein

Embark on a creative writing presentation unlike any other. This is a creative approach to teaching creative writing. Using an original fantasy map participants “travel” through a realm where each site represents a writing skill. In passing through the mines we gather our story’s raw material. Next is the ruins of Erazade where statues come to life as we learn how to create and “flesh out” our characters. On to The Gateway, Dragon’s Throat, Indus Pass . . . the process builds the skills necessary to create a novel from start to finish.

“Where there is no vision, the people perish,” Proverbs 29:18

The artistic slides, metaphorical map, storytelling-style, music, and illusions force us to use the right hemisphere of the brain where our worlds are created. The abstract concepts combined with concrete hands-on objects, writing assignments, and examples from books help us to envision each aspect of the craft and how they work seamlessly together.

The Writing Realm: the Journey of a Lifetime.

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One Response to “The Writing Realm”
  1. I just hope whoever writes these keeps writing more!

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